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5 Ways to Say, “Get Lost, Aphids!” - I was alarmed to find aphid honeydew (aka aphid secretions) on my spinach last week. These little creepy crawlies send me into fits. Last year, they did a number on my okra, devouring it into oblivion. It seems that an enclosed raised bed like mine is great for keeping big bugs, slugs, and animals out,… Continue reading 5 Ways to Say, “Get Lost, Aphids!”
DIY Cloth Napkins - It’s almost Earth Day…celebrate by ditching the paper napkins and making your own cloth napkins with “fat quarter” quilting fabric! Confession time:  I have a quilting fabric addiction…and I’m not even a quilter! Something about the tiny floral patterns and the myriad of pretty colors is so attractive to me. I’m particularly vulnerable to the… Continue reading DIY Cloth Napkins
DIY Garden Enclosure - When last I posted on the new garden enclosure, it was still just a base, sitting in our garage. Well, I'm happy to report that the garden enclosure construction is now complete, and so far I've planted some onions, peas and mesculin lettuce blend in their new home.
Leash Train Your Cat in 7 Excruciating Steps - Our family has leash trained our cat. I thought it might be fun to write a mini-tutorial on leash training your own feline. Thanks to Wordpress for featuring this post on Freshly Pressed.
Never Failed Me Yet Ant Bait - no matter how many of these little darlings decide to show up in my kitchen in the spring, I only need to see them for about one day out of 365. Once I put out my delicious ant buffet, they are so "satisfied" they never come back. At least until next year.
Olive Oil for Matted Cat Fur…Who Knew? - Matted fur, when ignored, can do more than just make kitty lumpy. It can irritate the cat's skin over time and even cause skin infections. Turns out olive oil works wonders to remove these pesky matts from kitty's fur!
Gardening 1975 Under a Canopy of Tomatoes - I've been around a garden for as long as I can remember. My father is an avid gardener, and when I was a child, the entrance of spring meant peat pots, seed packets, and my dad at the helm of a lumbering rototiller.